Many people start out their network marketing business with little knowledge of what it takes to have success in this industry.
Bottom line, it takes sales transactions. If we dance around this fact, we will never achieve our dreams and goals.
Forget the image of high pressure and simply follow this basic procedure and rules of thumb.
- Actually get started as a business partner. This is the most crucial step. Until you actually get started yourself....absolutely NOTHING is going to happen and that is guaranteed. However, when you do actually get started, NOW you have a chance. Now there is hope, a possibility, a light at the end of the tunnel. Until you buy your ticket, you'll never get on track and that is true with virtually any viable business.
- Start to think like a winner and write down your goals. This will solidify your plans. If you don't make a won't know how, where or when to score....if that makes sense.
- Start a personal warm list - It would be senseless to ignore this step. No matter what business you start, you would at the very least let everyone you know about it right? Maybe you might not feel great about approaching your warm market, but is it really so hard if you word it just right?
- Say to people you know or anyone for that matter "Oh yeah, by the way, I just recently started a part time business...and I was just gonna ask (sound skeptical) if you might know anyone who would want a little information about saving or making money?" As if you don't expect them to know anyone, kind of like as if the chances would be slim....such as asking your neighbor if they have a special tool you could borrow and you hate to ask, you're sorry to bother, but "I don't suppose you have a shovel I could borrow by any chance could you?" - "I don't suppose you would care to save money on X services by chance would you?....I was just gonna ask if you'd want some free information?"
In this business, your biggest asset, other than your own self, will be your phone.
You start your marketing effort with no cost and low cost methods if you are on a minimum budget. When it comes to marketing, you must think in terms of "massive exposure" and realize that overall, most people aren't going to be interested, your job is to just get the information to as many people as possible.
Getting this massive exposure can potentially cost a lot of money. So it is best to become a student of your profession in marketing so that you can learn how to market the most effectively.
In the beginning you are going to want to focus on your most immediately effective means of getting sales production so that you can have the revenue you need to survive as you start your business, so that you can focus. The most effective way to sell your product or service is in person with a direct approach.
The advantage is that, for it's effectiveness, it requires the least amount of preparation to execute. You simply get dressed, meet people, give presentations and do business. However, it can be time consuming and tedious to an extent and overall, will probably get you limited results. Unless you're super powerful in the area of public relations and public speaking, you will find that your presentations will have their limits.
So the idea is to start your business with this method in the very beginning, so that you have this base experience and you increase your chances of getting immediate sales. This would probably include your warm market.
The next level would be your telephone marketing and sales. This is not as effective as being there in person, however, it will often allow you to reach more people, more readily. You can simply pick up the phone and dial.
The next level is response based and there are several ways you can use this.
It includes marketing pieces, print, copy and other exposure that calls the prospect to simply get more information.
This would include marketing tools that allow you to build a permanent database of contacts and potential prospects such as:
- Fliers of various shapes and sizes
- Signage - Placing signs in busy and heavily trafficked locations can be extremely effective
- Business cards that tell people what you do
- Free and low cost, curiosity building, online and offline classified ads with text and/or images
- Online or offline video presentation tools
- Opt in forms of all kinds including promotions such as contest, free information and such
- Posters and indoor and/or outdoor stands/displays, manned or unmanned offering free information about your product or service
- Free and paid online and offline press releases/social bookmarks/networks
To take this a step further, you start building your GENERAL NETWORK. People that listen to and are receptive and/or mindful of what you have to say.
From there you build a BUSINESS NETWORK. This is the portion of your general network that does business with you in some way. These are your business partners.
You constantly cultivate and expand these networks as they will be with you for life and will become your "channel" viewers if that makes sense. This way you can always be there, connected to these people in case they ever have a need for your services. The lowest cost ways to keep in touch with these network members include email, then phone, then fax, then mail, then in person. However the more you commit to each contact, the more meaningful that relationship will be.
At the same time, you only have so much time in a day/week/life. So you then have to make decisions as to who the most powerful and meaningful people in your network are and spend your time with those. The rest, you constantly invite to learn more about how they can improve their lives with your methods, ideas and perspectives.
Remember, the key is to getting started. It's what you do now, that will determine where you'll be tomorrow.
Your friend and partner,
Micah Carter
network marketing ideas, network marketing tips