Sunday, January 31, 2010

Top reasons network marketers fail - How to succeed

Top reasons network marketers fail

  • They make NO real attempt to study and learn marketing - People will train for years to become doctors, scientists, lawyers and other types of professionals, but they never consider the fact that they haven't actually taken a course or done any real significant training in the field of marketing.
  • They confuse marketing with sales - Sales is one aspect of marketing that is not nessacarily done by the marketer. A marketer is someone who plans the entire process of how a product or service will reach the "market place".
  • They don't call to talk to their upline - They think their upline is too busy to work with them or doesn't want to hear from them or is tired of helping them. They fail to see how much their upline is actually sitting there waiting for their call. They fail to see how they're upline is actually they're servant.
  • They try to reinvent the wheel - Can you imagine going to the doctors office and then telling the doctor how to treat patients after the doctor has been successfully treating patients for years? Would you want to spend another thousand years learning how to start a fire or make a wheel? No ... learn from someone who already knows how start a fire for best results. It's called mentorship!
  • They vastly underestimate the number of people they are going need to talk to - They try to beg a few people to join their business and when any of them actually sign up and they don't do anything and the marketer gets disappointed and may give up.
  • They don't save EVERY LEAD and they don't treat every contact as a lead - Bottom line is they don't have a clue about list marketing. When someone is not interested. We often assume they will never be interested.
  • They prejudge leads and prospects - They think that certain people will be interested and other people won't with very little understanding of the randomness of the situation. The fact is, you simply can not tell who will want to start a business at any given time. You are just a messenger, not a qualifier or salesperson. Getting prospects to join your business is like having a pile of sand with iron filings. If you try to individually pick out every iron filing with a pair of tweezers, it would take forever, but if you just take a strong magnet and run it over the top of the pile, virtually all of the iron filings will be "pulled" from within the pile of sand.
  • They try to sell - They think that they are good closers. They may have done some hard telephone or in person direct sales. They may have sold cars or vacuums or home improvement or whatever. So they think they need to be talking to someone for a while till they "close" them when in reality, they need to simply "sift" quickly through a high number of people and get permission to give them some information.
  • They try to do everything themselves - They don't let their business become system dependent. Just take people out of the marketplace and into your's like a processing plant. You just do one simple, repetative part of the entire process and you do it very well. You open up leads of 3 way calls or you simply do nothing but invite contacts to local business briefings or you simply ask people for permission to send them information. Just repeat any one of those processes in high quantity and you're gauranteed success...and always just act as an "assistant to your upline".
  • They let negative people talk them out of success - Too often people take the advice of someone who's never made any significant money with anything. A person like that should be humble and realize that if they never made say even $1,000 in a week, they probably have nothing more than some basic job experience. This is a business...not a job!
  • They expect things to happen overnight - They get discouraged quickly and easily. They don't see how their business is like a tree that, although it can start out as a tiny seedling, with the right nourishment, it can grow to become a redwood giant. Every giant needs a ramping up period and just a huge farmland, the crops must vegetate and even bloom before they can be harvested. Your business is no different.
  • They blame poor results on external reasons - There's always some reason that's "beyond their control" that keeps them from success. In reality many of those things are not beyond control. It's all about planning. You hear all types of excuses. Bottom line is anyone can make 1 hour of diligent phone calls a day. That's all you need to start!
  • They plan to wait till the time is just right - Fact is, there will never be a perfect time. You need to make a reasonable block of time that you can do consistently, even if it's just 1 hour of diligent calling per day and move it up from there. This is better than waiting for conditions to be perfect.
  • They fail to study their products and services - They don't have conviction in what they do, because they don't use or study or see much value in what they market.
  • They fail to participate in weekly team training calls and meetings - They don't plug in to the system, they don't get the nuggets of information that all the top income earners are sharing on these calls and during these valuable trainings.
  • They don't have a true "white hot" burning desire to succeed! - Nuff said!!
Your friend and partner,
Micah Carter
    why mlm fail Top reasons network marketers fail

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    Marketing Techniques - How to increase exposure with PDF files and other downloads

    Marketing techniques

    Imagine if you have a large base of contacts. People who say regularly read your writings or listen to things you have to say etc. You do your best to influence, cultivate and develop this group of contacts like seeds, many of which will grow.

    One way to "drip" your nutritious water on your prospects is through PDF files and other easily transmittable documents that are low cost or free to duplicate and can be distributed on a massive scale.

    In my networking business, I will use documents like these ones here to explain my program and if you download these documents, PDF files.... you will see how quick they are to open and review.

    So from day one, you begin building your contact base as large as you want and it really doesn't matter what you sell yourself to your base. Everything else will fall into place!

    Brand yourself and your name and you will become successful, but you must work hard as well. That means building your contact base fast and hard. In the beginning, just cold call any reasonable numbers you can and just do it with the mindset of only a set block of time even if its just 30 minutes of actual dialing time, daily!

    Don't get me wrong, if you're serious, you want to think in minimums of at least 1-4 hours a day or more. But don't take it in too big of bites, especially in the beginning, because you will find that if you work long on it and don't get immediate results, you can get discouraged, but often times a short, dedicated sprint for the day is a lot more effective.

    DO EVERYTHING YOU the same time, remember, you are planting seeds that may not grow for a few days, weeks or even months. Trees don't grow overnight. They take nurturing environments with just the right kind of stresses and watering, heck plants grow differently based on the music they hear...if you're familiar with that experiment, you know that it is literally true.

    So suggest listening to whatever nurtures your motivation level and your desire, your will power. Are you moved by will alone???

    Download these simple documents below for some basic samples of the types of documents you could use to promote your business. These are one's I personally use. Remember, you can easily print up documents and change information around to your liking in any way reasonably possible. There's just so many different ways you can use these, as downloads or printable flyers or FAX or just in an email or on a website like this one.

    If you really want to get a first hand perspective on how to start a serious business, call me the numbers below and I may be able to put you in touch with a leader and mentor who can help you. We're talking about 6 and 7 figure income earners. My personal business mentor and partner is currently a well documented 7 figure income earner. I would like to open the pathway for anyone who wants to be around successful leadership that can and will help to lift you up in your business and personal development efforts.

    Remember, nothing serious changes overnight, plant your seeds today.

    Explore the possibilities and keep moving strong, you will succeed.

    Meanwhile, please listen to the latest update on my personal message line to fill yourself in on more of the advanced sales and marketing techniques we use.

    These documents should give you an idea of how you can promote anything. You can see a lot of good reasons to start this marketing method and join a very successful team in the network marketing industry when you get started.

    I just say always make sure you plug into a mentor. A system dependent business is very important if you want it to work without you.

    We want to thank you greatly for your readership and we hope to see you back here again. Please feel free to join the website here and leave us your feedback. We like to hear from anyone who has good information to share.

    Your friend and partner,
    Micah Carter
    marketing and sales training, sales training,  marketing methods, marketing techniques

    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    MLM Recruiting - How to get more MLM partners


    And once they allow you to send them information, INVITE THEM TO A MEETING
    to just in case there's a problem or delay with the email/fax...

    Tell them you have tons of people requesting info and sometimes there's delays
    and failures, so say "I'll touch base with you soon just to make sure you got
    the info, but in the meantime, I have a special guest sharing the information in
    or near your area on DAY/DATE OR I have a special prerecorded call that
    you can hear right now.... and if you have a pen and paper handy, I can give
    you the information on that real quick?!!

    Ok great, the address, phone number is .....

    Most people tell me they had to listen to it like 5 times to really get everything I def suggest that you keep an open mind and listen to it with a couple
    of people you know who might be able to give you their perspective.

    ....and once again, my name is _________,
    ("May I ask your name?"- if you don't have it already!)
    ....and I invite you to call me back as soon as your done listening to
    just tell me what you liked the most, does my phone number show up or do
    you need me to give it to you?

    Great please save that for when you're done hearing the message and
    we will send over a little other info to your computer/fax as soon as possible.

    Finish your call....and move on to the next one, make as many notes on each
    contact as you can.


    Please never try to sell any person on anything, just get them on the phone
    with your upline, even if he or she is not a better talker than ads an element
    of credibility in the customers mind that says hey....this is a team...this is
    something larger than any one person!

    Keep em on your list, never burn a bridge, no matter how not interested,
    unless they say TAKE ME OFF YOUR LAST, you can always eventually
    find some good reason the touch base and say hi and maybe share just
    a tad more info each time, but move fast, don't let non serious people
    absorb you...

    Never feel bad about growing YOUR BUSINESS and NEVER, EVER
    feel bad about calling me or any of our leaders for help.


    Sunday and Wednesday night at 6:45 PM PST

    712-432-7608 Passcode 68851#

    We want to hear you on the call, telling your story
    very soon, for now, please be on the call and announce your name

    We greatly appreciate you!
    Micah Carter

    Listen to this pre recorded message at 949-614-0163
    For some very exciting information for home based marketers

    This recorded message is really only gonna be of interest to
    people who don't know all about MLM already.

    If you don't know what it is....listen and I can guarantee the info you
    here will put you way ahead of the game.

    Your friend and partner,
    Micah Carter